Version 0.9.2 – 4 years and we don’t break
We grew 4 (actually 5) tulips for our anniversary Yes, it was over four years since the first version of Transposh for wordpress was released. And indeed, we have come a very long way. Transposh is...
View ArticleGoodbye
So long, we were the suckers… :( Four years after going to the wordpress repository, and 189,795 downloads later, Transposh will be leaving the repository. Apparently, all this time our...
View ArticleVersion 0.9.3 – Where did my flags go?
They didn’t go very far, please watch this video or read the instructions below. What should you do to get them back? Just upgrade to the full version using the following instructions: Upgrade to the...
View ArticleVersion 0.9.5 – The lost upgrade
Version 0.9.5 was released not too long ago, and the full version was released as well. You may ask yourself, I am looking for updates in my wordpress dashboard and I don’t see anything, how...
View ArticleVersion – Longest overdue, released on shortest day
This version adds the new ten languages Google translate has recently added. The release focused on fighting the warnings and bugs that have crept into Transposh in the last year. One may ask himself,...
View ArticleHappy new year 2015 – What’s in store?
Hello everybody, Just wanted to do a quick writeup about what features are planned for the coming year: Backend string editor – this feature is about 80% complete by now, it allows you to see strings...
View ArticleVersion – Fixes and features all around, and SuperProxy alpha
New version is here! Please upgrade! Please, Please upgrade! Please with some sugar on top. Why you should upgrade? This version fixes the Google proxy support, which means that the automated Google...
View ArticleVersion – We have a new site
First thing first, we would like to deeply thank Christopher from LPK Studio – for the new design of our website, this new website is finally up to today’s new web standards and...
View ArticleVersion – Shortened shortcodes
The release train has finally picked up some speed, so we are proud to present this new version. This version fixes the Google proxy again, this is happening because there are things that we really...
View ArticleVersion – Welcome Yandex
There is more to the world than just Google Translate, there is also more to the world than just Bing Translate, apparently the ~150 million Russians are also doing great stuff, with Yandex, the most...
View ArticleVersion – Workers of the world – unite!
For the first of May, the international workers day we have finally released the very long overdue and anticipated version of What is this version good for? First – support for Baidu, the...
View ArticleVersion – Not a git
This version was long in the making, nothing too fancy here, fixes for wordpress 4.7 and up, more languages added (117!) Other compatibility fixes and the usual stuff. This took way longer than needed...
View ArticleRazličica – Popravki in ima po vsem, in SuperProxy alfa
Nova različica je tukaj! Prosimo, nadgradite! Prosimo,, Prosimo, nadgradite! Please with some sugar on top. Zakaj bi morali nadgraditi? Ta različica določa podporo Google proxy, which means that the...
View ArticleRazličica – Imamo novo spletno stran
Prva stvar najprej, Radi bi globoko zahvalil Krištofa iz LPK Studio – za novo zasnovo naši spletni strani, this new website is finally up to today’s new web standards and should...
View ArticleRazličica – Skrajšane kratke kode
Vlak za javnost se je končno pobrala nekaj hitrosti, so we are proud to present this new version. Ta različica ponovno določa Google proxy, To se dogaja zato, ker so stvari, ki jih res ne more...
View ArticleRazličica – Dobrodošli Yandex
Obstaja več na svetu, kot samo Google Translate, tam je tudi več na svetu, kot samo Bing Translate, očitno je ~ 150 milijonov Rusi so tudi delaš veliko stvari, z Yandex, the most popular search engine...
View ArticleRazličica – Delavci po svetu – združiti!
Za prvi maj, the international workers day we have finally released the very long overdue and anticipated version of Kaj je ta različica dobro? Prvi – podpora Baidu, kitajski iskanje velikan,...
View ArticleRazličica – Ni git
Ta različica je bila dolgo v nastajanju, nič preveč fancy tukaj, določa za WordPress 4.7 in do, doda več jezikov (117!) Other compatibility fixes and the usual stuff. To je način, dlje, kot je...
View ArticleRazličica 1.0.0 – Prišel je čas
Transposh je bil živ zadnji 10 let, ali tako. Smo ves čas na plugin posodobljeno na naši spletni strani tukaj, and tried to make sure the version works. Kot različice razhajala je postalo...
View ArticleRazličica 1.0.1 – Vaši pripomočki, tvoja pot
Ta nova različica, pred kratkim javnost, če nam z dvema novimi funkcijami: Prvi, zmožnost nalaganja pripomočkov iz nalaganje dir (da bi bili bolj specifični, wp-content / nalaganj / Transposh /...
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