Različica 1.0.2 – Povej mi, kje si iz in bom…
Ta različica dodaja podporo za odkrivanje temelji Geographic IP, ki je bila zahtevana funkcija za zadnjih nekaj starosti (Ko se je odločilo, da Dinos). Kako se omogoči podporo za to odkrivanje? Opira...
View ArticleRazličica 1.0.3 – Zakaj ne bi mi pošljite sporočilo?
Z veseljem sporočamo najnovejšo različico, released yesterday. Ta različica je vse o funkciji mail, and human translation management improvements. Funkcija pošta bo omogočila admin, da bi dobili...
View ArticleRazličica 1.0.4 – Srečno novo leto!
Včeraj smo izdali svojo novo različico. Nova različica je predvsem o bugfixes, da smo zbrali v zadnjih nekaj mesecih. Zanimivo je, da večinoma žuželke so bile ustvarjene z dejstvom, da je svet okoli...
View ArticleRazličica 1.0.5 –Še ena srečno novo leto!
Shana Tova! Tokrat svoje novo judovsko leto in nova različica je bila pravkar izdal, Končno posodobitev jQueryUI knjižnico na najnovejšo različico. Dodajanje povezave do prevajanja e-pošto, da bi...
View ArticleRazličica 1.0.6 – Srečno novo desetletje!
Pozdravljeni vsi, smo bili sproščeni to manjše posodobitve, kot smo vstopili v tretje desetletje, v katerem delujejo in podpirajo ta vtičnik. Pot ni bila lahka, in naloga podpira toliko naprav za...
View ArticleSrečno novo leto – 2021
Dobro, to je bilo zame osebno naporen letnik. Nisem mogel izdati novih različic Transposha s potrebno frekvenco, and changes that happened in the wordpress framework has caused parts of the plugin to...
View ArticleRazličica 1.0.7 – spet valjanje
Ja, to je 2. februarja. Kar je dober datum kot vsak za novo manjšo izdajo. Ta različica bi morala biti pripravljena na WP 5.6 (in verjetno 5.7 tudi). And includes some minor fixes for bugs encountered...
View ArticleArticle 0
Language Switcher for Transposh plugin This is a guest post from Marco Gasi of Codingfix. I appreciate his work and allowed him to use this space to tell you something that you might find interesting...
View ArticleVersion 1.0.1 – Your widgets, your way
This new version, recently release, provided us with two new features: First, the ability to load widgets from your upload dir (to be more specific, wp-content/uploads/transposh/widgets), this is for...
View ArticleVersion 1.0.2 – Tell me where you are from and I will…
This version adds support for Geographic IP based detection which has been a requested feature for the last few ages (When the dinos ruled). How does one enable the support for this detection? It...
View ArticleVersion 1.0.3 – Why don’t you send me a message?
We are excited to announce the newest version, released yesterday. This version is all about the mail feature, and human translation management improvements. The mail feature will enable the admin to...
View ArticleVersion 1.0.4 – Happy new year!
Yesterday we released our new version. The new version is mainly about bugfixes that we collected in the last few months. What is interesting is that the bugs mostly were created by the fact that the...
View ArticleVersion 1.0.5 – Another happy new year!
Shana Tova! This time its a new Jewish year and a new version was just released, finally updating jQueryUI library to the most recent version. Adding a link to the translation emails to help admins...
View ArticleVersion 1.0.6 – Happy new decade!
Hello everyone, we have released this minor update as we have entered the third decade in which we are operating and supporting this plugin. The path has not been an easy one, and the task of...
View ArticleHappy new year – 2021
Well, this has been a busy year for me personally. I was unable to release new versions of Transposh in the needed frequency, and changes that happened in the wordpress framework has caused parts of...
View ArticleVersion 1.0.7 – rolling again
Yup, this is February 2nd. Which is a good date as any to make a new minor release. This version should work out of the box with WP 5.6 (and probably 5.7 too). And includes some minor fixes for bugs...
View ArticleLanguage Switcher for Transposh plugin
This is a guest post from Marco Gasi of Codingfix. I appreciate his work and allowed him to use this space to tell you something that you might find interesting as I have. So without further ado, here...
View ArticleVersion 1.0.8 – Thanks Julien!
On this special palindromic date, a new version of Transposh is released. This version was held back for way too long but since I finally got the time, it is up and available. So, what good is it for?...
View ArticleVersion 1.0.9 – no longer on wordpress.org
Well, This version fixes some issues. Does not fix others (Yes, anonymous translation is enabled by default, if you wish – turn it off, it is your call, not a security problem). Also, an editor...
View ArticleVersion – Moved development to github
Some fixes and some code changes as usual, moved the development site from the old and spam ridden trac, and from the know it all wordpress to github. And this will allow our users to see the ongoing...
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